The following shows my inspired response to author, Sir Ken Robinson’s book: Out Of Our Minds: The Power of Being Creative; 3rd edition, (2017). Robinson discusses 9 principles (of which I have chosen 3 to share) about the roles of a creative leader. To provide further context, Robinson is a determinedly driven force and advocate of creativity in our global economy, education systems, and within ourselves to ensure forward thinking in the 21st century landscape.
"Principle 1: everyone has creative potential (Robinson, p. 191)"
“I’m not creative.” These words have echoed thousands of times. Everyone has creative potential. It's a matter of unlocking it...
What are your strengths?
What are you passionate about? Unsure? Try new things,
Discover in the process.
The phrase, “I am not creative” is false… We are all creative in different ways. This transcends beyond the classroom and beyond the arts. Creative potential is everywhere, it is within ourselves, it is beyond ourselves, it is the essence of life and the universe. You’re a living, independently thinking, dreaming, breathing miracle. “Being in your element is not only about aptitude, it’s about passion: it is about loving what you do (Robinson, p. 194).” Kid, you’ve got potential. Keep imagining, keep playing, keep on creating.
"Principle 3: we can all learn to be more creative (Robinson, p. 196)"
There is always room for growth no matter how great
or not so great you think you are.
Perseverance, mindset, practice, analysis, assessment, reflection,
and refinement are all important components to improving our
individual creativity.
Dear Reader,
You have to want it.
I BELiEVE in you.
We BELiEVE in you.
Most importantly,
You need to BELiEVE in you.
With love and encouragement,
Your Support System
"Principle 6: creativity takes time (Robinson, p. 201)"
The CREATIVE PROCESS takes time. Mistakes happen (it's okay!).
Please be kind and patient towards yourself and
others along the way!
There is a reason why we call an artwork a work-in-progress. There are MANY stages: planning (goal setting and decision-making), both problem identifying and problem solving. There may be a need for inquiry and research before finalizing ideas... along with... experimentation and practice, applying materials and techniques, communicating/collaborating: sharing, reflecting, responding and refining. The creative process is certainly a PROCESS (both independent and collaborative).
Robinson, K. (2017). Out of Our Minds-The Power of Being Creative-Third Edition.
United Kingdom: John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Chapter 9; The Roles and Principles of Creative Leadership, pp. 191-207.